NYBRA Zoom Series – Patient to Patient Caring Team
May 24, 2020
Last week I saw one of my patients in the office for follow-up. She had recovered well from her first stage of her breast reconstruction. I was planning her next stage and we spoke about her recovery experience. She was overflowing with gratitude for the help and support she received from one of my other patients. The two met through the Patient to Patient Caring Team. This is a program offered by Mollie Sugarman, who runs the Patient Empowerment Program at NYBRA Plastic Surgery.
During a time of social distancing, I sensed that we can have an impact by sharing my patient’s experience online. So I came up with the idea to start having Zoom conversations with my patients about their experiences.
This is the first such conversation. Here you will see two of my patients talk about the Patient to Patient Caring Team. And you will sense the heartwarming bond these two women now share.
In the words of Mollie Sugarman, “The beginning of the cancer journey is overwhelming and is coupled with concern and anxiety of the unknown. Many of our patients offer to share their breast reconstruction journey with other patients, a true gift and a ‘pay it forward’ experience.”
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