Now More Than Ever, Trust in Our Caregivers
July 29, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic is in the midst of a resurgence. Now more than ever, it’s essential to make informed decisions about your health. If you are among those people who are still considering whether they should be vaccinated, it is crucial to look at the facts, figures, and statistics associated with the vaccine, which show that it is overwhelmingly safe and effective when it comes to reducing hospitalizations and preventing the spread of COVID-19.
When independent research falls short or leaves you with questions, it’s time to talk to a trusted healthcare professional. That’s what Dr. Randall Feingold’s patient, Christina, did.
Christina is a four-time breast cancer survivor. She has worked with Dr. Feingold for over twenty years.
“Dr. Feingold has supported me in the darkest and most fearful moments of my life. His passion and profound perfection has given me hope, ease and confidence throughout my journey, when I felt my health and womanhood were compromised,” she said.
As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded and the world descended into uncertainty, Christina felt sure of one thing: she did not want the vaccine. That all changed when she visited Dr. Feingold this year.
“We had a conversation in which he suggested that I get vaccinated, based on statistics, and without hesitation I went home and told my husband ‘Get ready: we are getting vaccinated!’”
Christina said that Dr. Feingold’s data-based encouragement coupled with his overall medical knowledge made her feel confident that vaccination was the right choice.
“I wholeheartedly trust Dr. Feingold, as everything he has advised to me thus far—over 20 years—has been precise. I encourage those in doubt to reconsider getting vaccinated as it just may help us to get back to a normalcy which many of us have taken for granted all of our live,” she said
Dr. Feingold said he was happy that she chose to be vaccinated, but that more than anything, he appreciated willingness to discuss this vital topic.
“I am humbled by her trust, grateful for her enduring health and self-esteem, and I pray for us all that safety returns to our lives soon,” Dr. Feingold said.
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