FemPower Belt: Empowering Women After Surgery
May 24, 2013
In October of 2012, Erica Misorek, was facing a mastectomy and reconstruction process.
“As part of my recovery, I had drains, and I wanted to hide them from my children. I just didn’t want to upset them,” she said.
Erica created a fun and functional solution she called the femPower Belt, a fabric belt designed to hold and hide surgical drains.
See below for highlights from the very first femPower Belt event last month, where the NYBRA Plastic Surgery team and community came together to help make the mastectomy and reconstruction process a little easier for the next generation of women. Our practice continues to provide femPower Belts to our patients facing mastectomy and reconstruction.
NYBRA 2012 Uplifting Event
Cancer recovery often takes a community effort. At NYBRA Plastic Surgery, we believe that our role as plastic surgeons extends beyond surgical expertise and medical…