Three Cheers for Pink Pom Pom
October 16, 2021
Fifteen-year-old Gianna Palleschi has spent her life watching her mother tend to breast cancer patients. This year, she decided it was time for her to join the fight herself.
“My mom is a breast surgeon, and I see how dedicated she is to providing the best care for her patients. She talks to me about the many challenges her patients face as they go through surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and medication. Her dedication inspired me to want to help these patients,” fifteen-year-old Gianna Palleschi said.
Gianna just launched an organization called Pink Pom Pom, designed to nurture and encourage breast cancer patients through some of the most difficult moments of their lives. She’s raising money to create Pink Pom Pom boxes full of useful and uplifting items, which will be distributed to breast cancer patients. Funds will also be donated to breast cancer research.
“Pink Pom Pom is a reference to cheering people on, and our slogan is ‘love, hope, care,’ because I want patients to know that they are loved, there is hope, and there are many people who care about them,” she explained.
Gianna started working on Pink Pom Pom over the summer of 2021. Her goal was to kick it off as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Her efforts culminated in a website that went live on October 11th. Her mother, Dr. Susan Palleschi, said that she was extremely proud of the work her daughter put into this project.
“I’ve been so impressed, because neither of us has done anything like this before. Gianna has taken such initiative in learning how to create a website and build this,” Dr. Palleschi said.
Pink Pom Pom boxes are open to all patients. Gianna hopes that the project will grow and extend beyond her local patient community.
“I hope it gets a lot of momentum so that it can spread joy to some of these patients as they go through a hard time,” Gianna said.
You can learn more about the project here.
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