Reliable TRAM Hernia Bulge Repair
June 10, 2016
I first met Dr. George DeNoto (with me in photo) at Mount Sinai Hospital when we were general surgery residents together. As residents we had the opportunity to work together on many difficult cases while learning from leaders in the field of abdominal surgery. I think of our mentors on a day like today.
Dr. DeNoto is now a general surgeon at St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn. He specializes in complex abdominal wall reconstruction and hernia repair. A decade ago, Dr. DeNoto and I collaborated in developing a novel and reliable technique for the correction of abdominal wall TRAM and DIEP flap-related hernias and bulges. Originally published in the Annals of Plastic Surgery in 2009, this technique was presented today at this year’s Abdominal Wall Reconstruction (AWR) meeting in Washington, DC.
The AWR meeting is the leading annual conference focusing on an interdisciplinary approach to the management of complicated abdominal wall hernias. Hundreds of plastic surgeons and general surgeons gather at the AWR meeting annually to discuss the most current cutting-edge techniques.
While many women with TRAM flap hernias once had little recourse, the technique that we have developed and refined provides a reliable approach to the repair of TRAM hernias and bulges. We look forward to publishing our book chapter describing this new approach in an upcoming textbook later this year.
Reliable TRAM Hernia Bulge Repair
I first met Dr. George DeNoto (with me in photo) at Mount Sinai Hospital when we were general surgery residents together. As residents we had…