Join Mollie Sugarman in Conversation With Susan Lax on September 15!
September 1, 2022
We are excited to announce that the Clinical Director of NYBRA’s Patient Empowerment Program, Mollie Sugarman, will be joining spiritual coach and author, Susan Lax, for an interview on Facebook Live. Join the pair on September 15, 2022 at 10:00AM, for a conversation on Finding the Oasis Within Following Diagnosis. The pair will discuss the emotional toolbelt patients possess to manage the upheaval of a diagnosis. Susan will mine Mollie’s experience and expertise on using optimism as a pathway to reach hope, offering self care as a tool for discovery, and more.
Susan is best known for her daily Morning Inspirations emails, which each contain a moment meant to promote heart awareness, and her book, A Heart’s Landscape. The book contains 136 Morning Inspirations, alongside photos Susan took herself to document more of what her heart was experiencing. The email list began as a way to help a friend who was facing cancer, however, it became available to everyone, thanks to a few vocal members of the Sisterhood of Support at NYBRA.
Susan and Mollie’s long-standing relationship began shortly after Mollie created the Patient Empowerment Program. Susan, who specializes in loving through illness, was invited to give a workshop to the Sisterhood of Support. She mentioned the Morning Inspirations she had been sending to her friend. A few workshop participants asked, “Can you send this to us?” and the rest is history. You can read more about Susan’s work and how the seeds sown in NYBRA’s office have grown here.
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