2023: A Year in Review
January 9, 2024
Dear Friends and Colleagues, In 2023, we hit the ground running. We continued the work we had done for years, centering patient care and advocacy at every turn. Our practice and patient community continued to prosper. We attracted and retained more talented medical professionals than ever, and our patients impressed us with their dedication to each other at every turn. Behind the scenes of all of our public-facing activity—fundraising for Making Strides, creative projects like Dr. Jonathan Bank’s Reblossom, informational social media appearances with partners like BRCAStrong, LearnLookLocate, and DiepC Podcast contributions—the surgeons behind NYBRA came together as a team to work on another long-term project. It was exciting and important, but we were not ready to truly share immediately. That project began over ten years ago, with a brochure-style online resource called BreastReconstruction.org, that Drs. Randall Feingold and Ron Israeli created to share information about breast reconstruction options in a time when patient education was even more lacking than it is today. In the time since its initial creation, the breast reconstruction community has grown in every way. This year, we decided it was time for our once-static resource to grow with it.
In October of this year, we were extremely excited to announce the launch of BreastReconstruction.org as an official, fullyrealized 501c3 non-profit organization. Its mission is to improve breast reconstruction outcomes for people from every background at every stage. NYBRA Plastic Surgery is not only a BreastReconstruction.org Founding Partner, Drs. Feingold, Israeli, Korn, Light, and Bank serve as the organization’s Board of Directors. Our team will continue to provide organizational and intellectual guidance as BreastReconstruction.org grows. In the short time since its launch, BreastReconstruction.org has already debuted an informational video series supported by the Plastic Surgery Foundation’s Public Awareness Grant, taken on multiple new partners, established a social media presence, kicked off a monthly newsletter—and its work has only just begun. We could not be prouder to support this go-to resource for all things breast reconstruction.
We enter 2024 full of pride and purpose, ready to further every initiative inside our practice and out. We continue to draw inspiration from our patients, particularly those involved in Mollie Sugarman’s thriving Patient Empowerment Program. As they work to heal, support, and educate themselves and one another, we work to ensure that they have every resource we can provide. Consistent with our new tradition, 2024 begins with a donation in lieu of a gift. Please join us in looking back on yet another year of courage and community. May this coming year be filled with even more successes
Giving Tuesday 2023 is November 28!
#GivingTuesday2023 is on November 28! We are so excited for the upcoming holiday season, and even more excited to kick it off in the spirit…