Latissimus Flap: Delayed Reconstruction
Forty-four-year-old woman was treated for left breast cancer with a left mastectomy and expander implant reconstruction followed by chest wall radiation prior to coming to NYBRA. She developed grade 4 capsular contracture in her left breast with asymmetry. She chose to revise that reconstruction with a left LD flap and tissue expander reconstruction, followed by implant exchange at a second stage using a moderate plus profile 421cc implant.

Latissimus Flap: Delayed Reconstruction
Forty-six-year-old woman with right breast cancer was initially treated with lumpectomy and radiation. She came to NYBRA to correct an associated breast deformity and asymmetry. She chose a right LD flap and left breast augmentation with multiple staged fat grafting procedures.

Latissimus Flap: Delayed Reconstruction
Fifty-eight-year-old woman with left breast cancer had left mastectomy and expander implant reconstruction elsewhere. She developed infection and required removal of her breast implant. After she healed from the implant removal, she was evaluated at NYBRA and chose to have delayed left breast LD flap and tissue expander implant reconstruction. She then underwent staged implant exchange using a high profile 160cc gel implant, followed by nipple areola reconstruction and nipple areola tattoo.

Latissimus Flap: Delayed Reconstruction
Forty-two-year-old woman treated right breast cancer with lumpectomy and radiation. The lumpectomy and radiation created an asymmetry that she chose to correct with a right breast LD flap and implant reconstruction using a 400cc, moderate plus profile implant and left breast augmentation with a 225cc, moderate plus profile implant.

Latissimus Flap: Delayed Reconstruction
Fifty-two-year-old woman initially treated right breast cancer elsewhere with a lumpectomy and radiation, followed by bilateral nipple and skin sparing mastectomies and expander implant reconstruction. She chose to have a right breast LD flap and expander implant reconstruction, followed by staged bilateral expander implant exchange using high profile, 500cc gel implants.

Latissimus Flap: Delayed Reconstruction
Fifty-four-year-old man treated left breast cancer with mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation. He later chose to have LD flap reconstruction on the left side, followed by staged nipple areola reconstruction and tattoo.