Diep Flap: Skin Sparing Mastectomy
Thirty-five-year-old woman diagnosed with right breast DCIS underwent bilateral skin sparing mastectomies and immediate DIEP flap breast reconstruction, followed by nipple areola reconstruction and tattoo at a later date.

Diep Flap: Skin Sparing Mastectomy
Forty-four-year-old woman with right breast DCIS underwent bilateral skin sparing mastectomies and immediate DIEP flap breast reconstruction, followed by nipple areola reconstruction and tattoo at a later date.

Diep Flap: Skin Sparing Mastectomy
Fifty-one-year-old woman was diagnosed with cancer in her left breast and chose to have bilateral skin sparing mastectomies with immediate DIEP flap breast reconstruction, followed by nipple areola reconstruction and tattoo at a second stage.

Diep Flap: Skin Sparing Mastectomy
Sixty-six-year-old woman chose to have bilateral skin sparing mastectomies with immediate DIEP flap breast reconstruction following a second cancer diagnosis in her right breast. Her previous right breast diagnosis had been treated with a lumpectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy. She followed DIEP flap reconstruction with nipple areola reconstruction and tattoo at a later date.

Diep Flap: Skin Sparing Mastectomy
Forty-seven-year-old woman with LCIS in her right breast and DCIS in her left breast underwent bilateral skin sparing mastectomies with immediate DIEP flap breast reconstruction. Nipple areola reconstruction and tattoo followed at a later date.

Diep Flap: Skin Sparing Mastectomy
Thirty-four-year-old woman with a strong family history of breast cancer tested positive for a BRCA gene mutation and chose to have bilateral, risk-reducing skin sparing mastectomies with immediate DIEP flap breast reconstruction. She followed those procedures with nipple areola reconstruction and tattoo at a later date.