Breast Reduction
23-year-old before and six months after breast reduction with an inferior pedicle technique. She had simultaneous axillary liposuction.

Breast Reduction
29-year-old before and nine months after breast reduction and excision of accessory axillary breast tissue. Her breast reduction was done with an inferior pedicle technique and included excision of lateral chest wall loose skin. Additional axillary tissue excisions were done through scars hidden in each axilla.

Breast Reduction
33-year-old before and six months after breast reduction. Given the extremely large breast size and severe ptosis, a free nipple graft technique was required. An inferior dermoglandular flap was preserved on each side to maintain breast projection, and excess lateral chest wall loose skin was removed.

Breast Reduction
57-year-old before and seven months after breast reduction with an inferior pedicle technique.

Breast Reduction
20-year-old before and nine months after breast reduction with a superior medial pedicle technique.

Breast Reduction
25-year-old before and ten months after breast reduction with an inferior pedicle technique.

Breast Reduction
46-year-old before and one year after breast reduction. This woman had severe breast ptosis and fibrocystic breasts. A free nipple graft technique was used to achieve the best possible contour.

Breast Reduction
44-year-old before and seven months after breast reduction with an inferior pedicle technique. She had simultaneous abdominal liposuction with fat grafting to each upper breast.

Breast Reduction
45-year-old before and six months after breast reduction with an inferior pedicle technique including excision of lateral chest wall loose skin.

Breast Reduction
33-year-old before and one year after breast reduction with an inferior pedicle technique. She had significant volume reduction which included excision of lateral chest wall loose skin.

Breast Reduction
50-year-old before and four months after breast reduction with a superior medial pedicle technique. Her procedure included excision of lateral chest wall loose skin.

Breast Reduction
57-year-old before and one year after breast reduction with a superior medial pedicle technique. Her procedure included excision of lateral chest wall loose skin.