
The nose is the defining feature of the face. It contributes to facial character, harmony and proportion. Rhinoplasty can remove a ‘hump’, reduce the height of the bridge, and re-contour the tip to improve its appearance. Advanced techniques can straighten a twisted nose, whether it developed that way or an injury, such as a nasal fracture, changed its shape. Teenagers find improved self esteem after rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can also lift a nose that has drooped with age to restore a more youthful appearance.

Types of procedures

  • Closed rhinoplasty: Also known as endonasal rhinoplasty, this technique uses incisions within the nasal lining.
  • Open rhinoplasty: Also known as external rhinoplasty, this approach exposes the tip for the best control of tip reshaping and position, and the fastest healing.
  • Teenage rhinoplasty: This is most commonly performed after adolescent growth spirt, between the ages of 16 and 18.
  • Secondary rhinoplasty: This involves correction of the nose after an unsuccessful rhinoplasty.

Procedure details

  • After careful examination, review of photographs, and discussion with the patient, a plan to reshape the nose is developed
  • The operation is done under anesthesia and may last 1-2 hours
  • After surgery a splint is worn for 5 or 6 days
  • The upper part of the nose will heal fastest, and the tip may be swollen for several weeks or months

Risks & Benefits

Rhinoplasty is a very safe procedure, accompanied by mild bleeding for a day or two, and swelling and bruising that may last a week. It is important not to exercise for the first 2 weeks to prevent additional nasal bleeding or swelling. If a large nasal tip is significantly reduced, it may take several months for the skin to “shrink wrap” over the refined tip cartilages. Sometimes fine details in the tip emerge up to a year after surgery. If the nose is very twisted, it may be possible to straighten it, but some slight deviation can persist.

No operation provides the immediate sense of self esteem like rhinoplasty. It has the power to change not only the nose, but the attractiveness of the entire face.

Frequently Asked Questions

How has rhinoplasty changed over the years?

Modern rhinoplasty is most often done through the “open” approach. The incision is very tiny and will not be visible even at close conversational distances. Fine tip control, elimination of the need for nasal packing, and rapid resolution of bruising in under a week are common.

I want a natural appearing nose after surgery. How will I know what it will look like?
Your plastic surgeon will give you an in depth analysis of your nasal anatomy and how it can be changed to achieve your goals. Pictures of former patients, viewed from the front, oblique and side profile views will demonstrate what can really be accomplished.