We are Manhasset Pink Strong!
October 7, 2020NYBRA is a proud supporter of the Manhasset Women’s Coalition Against Breast Cancer. This month, the MWCABC launched a special social media campaign entitled Manhasset Pink Strong to raise funds for innovative research, increase awareness through education, and provide support services to those with breast cancer and related diseases.
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, our NYBRA team (Dr. Randall Feingold, Dr. Ron Israeli, Dr. Peter Korn, Dr. David Light, Dr. Jonathan Bank and Mollie Sugarman, Clinical Director of the Patient Empowerment Program) worked with MWABC for this special video message.
“Your Breast Reconstruction Consult: The Inside Scoop” with Dr. Light and Dr. Bank
Dr. David Light and Dr. Jonathan Bank were featured in a ZOOM webinar with Sharsheret last night entitled “Your Breast Reconstruction Consult: The Inside Scoop.”…