
The facelift, or rhytidectomy, remains the cornerstone in facial rejuvenation and is often combined with other procedures, such as eyelid rejuvenation, fat grafting, or laser resurfacing for a harmonious appearance. Using state of the art facelift techniques, we focus on short-scar skin tightening, a vertical soft tissue lift, and the addition of fat grafting. These modern facelift techniques allow us to provide natural results that avoid the typical facelift look of more traditional techniques. We perform facelift surgeries in our ambulatory operatory, where patients return home the same day and typically recover within two weeks.

Types of procedures

  • Short-scar facelift: Patients with mild to moderate skin laxity are good candidates for short scar facelifts. Even though we keep the scar short, we can achieve a significant soft tissue lift with the benefit of less scarring and shorter recovery.
  • Necklift: Any facelift includes tightening of the neck. In patients with significant neck laxity, we will focus on the neck and lower face to adequately address these areas.
  • Secondary facelift: If you had a facelift in the past and some unwanted signs of aging have returned, you may wish to refresh the facelift. That type of secondary facelift is often a lesser procedure with shorter recovery than the original facelift.

Procedure details

  • Facelift surgery is typically performed under light general anesthesia. In appropriate candidates, a mini facelift can be done under local anesthesia
  • An incision that follows the contour of the ear and adjacent hairline allows for skin tightening and a barely visible scar
  • The soft tissue is lifted to efficiently smoothen skin folds and jowls, and to restore a youthful contour to the face
  • We use fat grafting as an integral component of modern facelifts to restore areas with age-related volume loss, such as the cheeks, temples, eyebrows and lids
  • During the recovery you will experience a predictable amount of bruising and swelling that resolves within a few weeks. Most patients feel ready to socialize in 2-3 weeks

Risks & Benefits

Facelift surgery is generally well tolerated and commonly performed. Surgical complications, such as a hematoma from bleeding after the surgery or nerve damage, are rare. Some temporary numbness in front of the suture line is to be expected, and touch up procedure may occasionally be desired to optimize the result.

A well-done facelift typically makes the face appear about 10 years younger and provides long-lasting benefits. While the aging process goes on and some signs of aging will return, the benefit of the facelift will carry on.

Frequently Asked Questions

At what age should a facelift be done?

A consultation with one of our surgeons can help you determine the best approach for you. While some signs of aging, like loss of cheek volume and fine wrinkles on the forehead and around the eye, respond well to fillers and Botox, more significant skin laxity, jowls, folds around the mouth, and neck laxity are best addressed with a face/necklift. For best results we recommend addressing signs of aging before they become too ingrained into the skin.

How long does the result last?

While the aging process goes on and some signs of aging will return, the benefit you achieved with your facelift will carry on. A well-done facelift makes the face appear about 10 years younger.