NYBRA Plastic Surgery of Long Island, New York's team of five surgeons on National Doctor's Day 2023

National Doctor’s Day 2023

March 30, 2023

It’s National Doctor’s Day! The surgeons at NYBRA Plastic Surgery go above and beyond for the patients and families they serve. Their commitment to patient…

NYBRA Plastic Surgery of Long Island, New York's patient Eleanor sewing pouches at the fewPower Belt Sewing Workshop

No Matter What Age, What Stage or Where You Are

March 29, 2023

"To me, it never feels like 10 years. I think it’s important for everyone to try to do what they can to give back. Maybe…

NYBRA Plastic Surgery of Long Island, New York's five surgeons blog about Breast Surgery Decisions: The Importance of Your Whole Team

Breast Surgery Decisions: The Importance of Your Whole Team

March 27, 2023

Breast reconstruction is a multidisciplinary process. Whether you are undergoing mastectomies in response to a cancer diagnosis or on a risk-reducing basis, your care team…

Inside blue light lit hospital: Do You Know the Difference between in-patient and ambulatory surgery?

In-patient vs. Ambulatory Procedures: What Does it Mean?

March 24, 2023

Thinking about any type of medical procedure can be extremely daunting. While the entire team at NYBRA Plastic Surgery strives to provide clear, accessible information…

NYBRA Plastic Surgery of Long Island, New York's patient Erica with Dr. Ron Israeli, Mollie Sugarman and Diana Tjaden at the femPower Belt Sewing Workshop

Staying Sew Connected

March 22, 2023

When Erica created the FemPower Belt, she did not intend to lay the groundwork for a simple product that has helped countless patients. She was…

NYBRA Plastic Surgery of Long Island, New York plated cooked whole chicken blog: Just Bring a Chicken!

Just Bring a Chicken!

March 20, 2023

One topic that surfaces at almost every Sisterhood of Support (SOS) group is how friends respond after one has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Our…

Mammogram breast imaging and a new mammography facility regulation may help patients and their physicians better understand how to approach their individual breast cancer screenings.

Mammography Facilities Are Now Required to Share Information on Breast Tissue Density

March 17, 2023

Self-advocacy among patients is largely based on access to both information on health in general and information about a patient’s own body. It is vital…

NYBRA Plastic Surgery of Long Island, New York's femPower Belt Sewing Workshop Feature with patient Nancy.

An Opportunity Worth Keeping Your Ears Open For

March 15, 2023

“They just care. I feel like with their cancer patients, they really take the time,” Dr. Randall Feingold’s patient, Nancy, reflected on her experience with…

NYBRA Plastic Surgery of Long Island, New York's Dr. Jonathan Bank and patients Lily and Lisa Video on Combating Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome available now.

Dr. Jonathan Bank Joins The Breasties for a Conversation on Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome

March 13, 2023

Dr. Jonathan Bank joined The Breasties on Instagram on March 6th, 2023, for a discussion on Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome (PMPS). This underserved condition involves…

NYBRA Plastic Surgery of Long Island, New York's patient Pat, sewing at the femPower Belt Workshop.

This Little Pocket: Hey, It Works!

March 8, 2023

“I’ve sewn for them before; this was the fifth time. One other time I did something on my own. Another time we made safety belt…