Photo of Carolyn walking with a personal journey quote

A Patient Builds the Strength to Move Through Life Again

December 11, 2021

“I’ve been through it, and it was scary as hell, but I knew that I had to just keep moving to get into the light.…

Menopause quote from Dr. Fried

Managing Menopause with Dr. Wendy Fried

December 11, 2021

“Menopause is really a clinical definition. It’s a year with no menstrual cycles. It’s not determined by blood levels, and there’s no way to know…

Screenshot of zoom presentation with 5 participants including Dr. Bank and Dr. Israeli.

Deconstructing the Beauty and Art in Reconstruction

December 10, 2021

“Something that’s been through hardship or sustained adversity can be even more beautiful,” Dr. Jonathan Bank said early in a webinar called “Deconstructing the Beauty…

Blue color box with Breast Reconstruction questions on options available.

Know Your Breast Reconstruction Options

December 8, 2021

Breast reconstruction has become a rich and diverse surgical field over the past decade. Where patients once had extremely limited choices—if any—they now have multiple…

Light blue color box with copy: Vaginal and Sexual Health after Breast Cancer: It’s Complicated

Vaginal and Sexual Health after Breast Cancer: It’s Complicated

December 1, 2021

Join us on Monday, January 17, 2022 at 9:30 AM EST via ZOOM for our next lecture as part of our Be Informed Lecture Series.…

Blue graphic with heart collage of photos for GivingTuesday efforts.

Giving Tuesday 2021

November 30, 2021

UPDATE: Thank you to each and every one who contributed to our Giving Tuesday efforts yesterday. Not only did we meet our goal of raising…


Two Books To Fight Breast Cancer

November 25, 2021

The holiday season is all about giving, but what if the gifts you choose could do more? Our doctors have worked on two books that…

Image of Dr. Bank interviewed at Canon Solutions America

Dr. Bank interview with Canon on ‘Before the After’

November 23, 2021

“That little sliver is the essence of what I do, in my mind. It’s taking a woman from really the depths of all fears and…

black color graphic with Did You Know?

Looking Back on the History of Breast Reconstruction for BRA Day

November 22, 2021

Breast reconstruction has evolved substantially in recent years. As we evaluate current options and advocate for the physical and emotional restoration that current procedures can…


‘Before the After’ Book Order Form

November 21, 2021

RESERVE YOUR COPY TODAY!   Book: $88 Proceeds benefit Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Venmo: @jonathanbankmd Checks made out to: Jonathan Bank, M.D. Mail to:…