Breast Cancer Awareness Month

PinkAid Annual Luncheon and Fashion Show

October 26, 2021

Pink Aid Long Island held their 8th annual Luncheon & Fashion Show on October 21, 2021. Last year’s event was virtual, so it was refreshing…

screengrab of News12 segment of Dr. Bank's book Before the After

Meet Two Before the After Patients on News 12 Long Island

October 20, 2021

News 12 Long Island viewers got an inside look at Dr. Jonathan Bank’s “Before the After” project in a segment that included interviews with Dr.…

'Before the After' Book Launch event at Gallery 23 NYC Oct. 14, 2021

‘Before the After’ Book Launch at Gallery 23, NYC

October 16, 2021

Dr. Jonathan Bank created “Before the After” as a photo-driven exploration of a breast reconstruction patient’s emotional transformation. As such, it was only fitting to…

black color box with white writing. A quote from David Light, M.D.

Dr. David Light Talks Telemedicine, Shared Decision Making and More with the DiepC Foundation

October 14, 2021

The pandemic has changed a lot of things about how medicine is practiced. While it has created countless challenges, it has also presented unique opportunities.…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Color photo of Lois with some of her designed headwraps donated to NYBRA patients for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Head Wraps Inspire Hope

October 12, 2021

The patient community that surrounds our practice is generous, robust, and surprisingly far-reaching. This month, we received an offer to donate twenty headwraps to our…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Pink shaded graphic with photos of Drs. Korn, Light and Bank promoting BRA Day Instagram Live on Oct. 20

Mark Your Calendar: BRA Day is Wednesday October 20th Part II

October 11, 2021

Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day is a week away! We’ve partnered with BRCAStrong to produce two Instagram Live sessions on BRA Day.  Dr. Peter Korn, Dr.…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
BRA Day promo graphic with thumbnail images of Dr. Feingold and Dr. Israeli for their discussion on History of Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction.

Mark Your Calendar: BRA Day is Wednesday October 20th Part I

October 11, 2021

Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day is a week away! We’ve partnered with BRCAStrong to produce two Instagram Live sessions on BRA Day.  Dr. Randall Feingold and…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
color image of woman in background holding forehead. Header text: Are you hot? Join us on Nov. 8 for educational lecture on coping with menopausal symptoms

Are You Hot? Join us for our next Be Informed Lecture

October 10, 2021

Join us on Monday, November 8, 2021 at 9:30 AM EST via ZOOM for our next lecture as part of our Be Informed Lecture Series.…

Color photo of 2 men and 1 women smiling for camera

It’s National PA Week!

October 8, 2021

October 6th-12th is designated each year as National Physician Assistant Week. We often talk about the surgeons and nurses who help NYBRA’s patients look and…

White graphic with close up of applying sunscreen to your hand. "I always say the best sunscreen is the one you'll use."

Sunscreen and Moisturizer: Simple Acts of Self Care That Keep Skin Healthy

October 6, 2021

“When chemotherapy attacks the rapidly dividing cells of the targeted cancer cells, it also attacks the rapidly growing cells in our hair and nails,” Dr.…