Green color box with the following text: "It's about meeting you where you are. You don't have to see the whole staircase to take the next step." ~MaryAnn Jones lecture quote graphic

Joyful Motivation with MaryAnn Jones

December 13, 2020

Most people consider fear to be a powerful motivating force, but according to Certified Functional Health Coach MaryAnn Jones, there’s a better way to promote…

Dr. Bank and Dr. Israeli reviewing CT scan

A Closer Look at Incidentalomas

November 4, 2020

Dr. Israeli and I co-wrote an article that was recently accepted for publication in the leading plastic surgery journal, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, looking at…

Laurie and Dr. Israeli interviewed by News12

Our Patient Was Featured on News 12

October 25, 2020

Last week, Dr. Israeli told the world about his intrepid patient, Laurie, who decided to create a Making Strides of Long Island team after she…

Gray color box with quote from Dr. Feingold lecture. Text: "Social distancing & masks are here for a while, but nobody should be inhibited from getting their care at this point."

Be Informed: Better COVID-19 Management Brings Back Hope—and Cancer Care

October 21, 2020

Dr. Randall Feingold began this month’s Be Informed Lecture, "Reasons To Be Cheerful: Improved COVID-19 Environment Allows Return of Cancer Care," by taking stock of…

Dr. Israeli and Kim smile for the camera together.

Giving Back: One Woman’s New Calling

October 16, 2020

“I did a fashion show for Pink Aid, I spoke in church, and I spoke on the Pink Aid fundraising video,” NYBRA patient Kim Dobres…

Color photo of woman in bed using the recliner product while she is reading.

An Innovative Patient Makes Reconstruction Recovery Easier

October 2, 2020

Breast cancer awareness month is about more than just disease prevention. It provides a unique opportunity to help people understand the entire breast cancer treatment,…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Color photo of NYBRA doctors at the Making Strides of Long Island 2017. Left to right: Dr. Bank, Dr. Light, Dr. Feingold, Dr. Israeli, Dr. Korn wearing bright pink sweathshirts.

Making Strides of Long Island: 2020 Drive Through Experience

October 1, 2020

This year, the Making Strides of Long Island event will be a Drive Through Experience. Pink out your car and head to Jones Beach with…

Color graphic with photo of Nira Berry Cultivating Joy lecture promo Zoom workshop

Be Informed Lecture Series: Laughing as Medicine With Nira Berry

September 25, 2020

Nira Berry wants you to take your laughter like you take your vitamins: intentionally and daily. “It’s so important that people use this every day,…

Color photo of magenta colored bra hung up with clothespins with blue sky background.

Breast Cancer Facts You Should Know, from Good Housekeeping

August 24, 2020

Breast Cancer awareness month is right around the corner. I spoke to Good Housekeeping Magazine on behalf of the AiRS Foundation, a resource that helps…

Color photo of Angela and Dr. Israeli, wearing masks and looking directly at camera.

From Masks to Hats to Pillows, Angela Heilig is Ready to Help

July 23, 2020

The NYBRA community is full of thoughtful, generous individuals. This week, our patient Angela Heilig used her talents to provide 36 fabric masks with crocheted…