June 7, 2020
Much like surgery, tennis is an individual sport. A basic skill set, some rules, many unknowns, and strategy that at times hinges on tactical split-second decisions and executions.
I partially paused both of these passions from March to May 2020. While necessity is the mother of invention, this wasn’t purely an invention of mine (it was inspired by back-ordered, overpriced, online devices.) For certain circumstances in reconstructive surgery, necessity requires us to do what we can with spare parts. Social distancing necessitated enlisting a camping tarp, scrap wood, and a garage overhang to make a rebound wall that always returns at the same pace to the same area, no matter how hard you hit.
Solid prototype – hours.
Solid product – days.
Solid backhand – never.
NYBRA and Project Reconstructed at NY Fashion Week
This year, NYBRA and Project Reconstructed took the runway at New York Fashion Week. My patient, who underwent bilateral DIEP flaps with nerve restoration, and…